Frequently Asked Question!


Yes! Upload a photo with your order and the face will be cut from the background, applied to your chosen design.

A clearly focused, front facing head and shoulders shot is ideal. Good lighting also helps. Ideally no other objects or faces should encroach on the main subject’s face. If you require something different to the normal head and shoulders shot, please specify in the notes. Likewise if you supply a photo with more than one person, please indicate whether the other person(s) should be included on the design.

Around 5 business days.

Yes! we’ll provide.

Delivery & Return

Around 1-2 business days.

Please remember that this is a custom product so delivery will occur after design, not from the day you order.

We will inform you after work is complete via email. then you can download from email. or browse our website and click on “my account” link from bottom, login your account using your username and password that you created when you order. After login click on orders and check your order list and download edited images and artwork.

Yes. At Dad-Photography, your satisfaction is very important to us. so we’ve made our return policies easy and convenient.

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